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1938: The End of Illusions
 pg. 145 
In an act of vile desecration during Kristallnacht, the members of the Baden-Baden Jewish community were compelled to listen to a reading of Hitler's Mein Kampf from the pulpit. Hours before the synagogue was torched, 60 Jewish men were paraded through the streets by members of the SS. Once they reached the synagogue, they were forced to listen to Dr. Flehinger, a fellow Jew and Gymnasium (high school) teacher, read selections of Mein Kampf. Afterwards, the Jews had to rehearse the song about Horst Wessel (a Nazi martyr) until they could recite it perfectly. The public humiliation of the Jews accompanied the violence of Kristallnacht.
Photo: SYddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Thousands of newly arrived prisoners stand at attention in their civilian clothes during a roll call at the Buchenwald concentration camp. These prisoners were among the more than 30,000 Jews arrested during the Kristallnacht pogrom. With their heads shaved, these German Jews were introduced to the terror system of the Nazi concentration camps. More than 1000 Jews arrested at this time died while incarcerated. The rest were released after the Nazis extracted written promises that they would leave Germany as soon as they could liquidate their holdings.
Photo: American Joint Distribution Committee/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 November 20, 1938: Using Nazi documents, American radio commentator Father Charles Coughlin contends that Jews are responsible for Russian communism and for Germany's problems. All of Coughlin's radio programs are approved by his archdiocese as not contradicting Catholic faith or morals. Some Catholics protest Coughlin's broadcasts, including Chicago's Cardinal George Mundelein, but most of the American Church is silent.
 November 21, 1938: The British House of Commons objects to German persecution of minorities.
 November 24, 1938: British Conservative Party leader Winston Churchill decides that Palestine cannot be considered a primary refuge for Jews.
 December 1938: Reichsbank president Hjalmar Schacht travels to London to propose to George Rublee, of the Intergovernmental Committee for Political Refugees, an extortionate scheme: German Jews could emigrate if they put up cash assets that would be transferred to the Reich upon emigration. This Schacht-Rublee plan will be abandoned in January 1939, when Schacht will be dismissed by Hitler after Schacht objects to the high cost of Germany's rearmament.
1938: The End of Illusions
 pg. 145 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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