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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 354 
German police execute four men in German-occupied Drogobych, Ukraine. In July 1941 Jews of Drogobych were driven by antisemitic locals to a cemetery and slaughtered. In August 1942 more than 500 Jews were murdered by German and Ukrainian police during the selection of Jews to be deported.
Photo: Yad Vashem
Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin, the leaders of Great Britain and the Soviet Union, respectively, appear to be on the best of terms during their August meeting in Moscow. In reality, the two were suspicious and wary of one another. Engaged in an epic struggle with the Nazis in which millions of his countrymen were dying, Stalin pressed Churchill at this meeting to initiate a second front in France.
Photo: AP/Wide World
Officers from Germany's Secret Field Police, a branch of the Abwehr (Military Intelligence Service), pose for a photo in Gniezno, Poland. Headed by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, the Abwehr was charged with gathering intelligence about the enemy. While some officers faithfully performed their counterintelligence duties, others found a home within the Abwehr for resistance activities, thanks to Canaris's growing opposition to Hitler.
Photo: Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 August 20-24, 1942: Nineteen thousand Jews of Kielce, Poland, are deported to the Treblinka death camp.
 August 20-24, 1942: Gas/disinfectant expert Kurt Gerstein observes gas executions at the Treblinka, one day after witnessing similar deaths at Belzec.
 August 21, 1942: 3500 Jews from Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland, are murdered at Treblinka.
 August 21, 1942: The Jewish community at Ozorków, Poland, is murdered.
 August 22, 1942: Ten thousand Jews from Wielun, Poland, are deported to the Chelmno death camp.
 August 22, 1942: Ten thousand Jews from Siedlce, Poland, are murdered at the Treblinka death camp.
 August 22, 1942: The Jewish community from Losice, Poland, is liquidated at the Treblinka death camp.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 354 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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