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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 394 

More than one million Jews from all corners of Europe were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau and killed. Nearly 440,000 Hungarian Jews died there in mid-1944 alone. Auschwitz also witnessed the deaths of about 70,000 non-Jewish Poles, 20,000 Gypsies, and 15,000 Soviet POWs.
Smiling prisoners at the transit camp at Drancy, France, carry large loaves of bread in early December 1942. This staged photo was taken to assure the Red Cross and Jewish organizations, as well as the French public, that inmates in the camp were being treated well. Until then, prisoners had suffered badly from malnutrition, surviving on only meager rations.
Photo: Serge Klarsfeld / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Aharon Liebeskind was a leader of the Kraków, Poland, Jewish underground. Using the pseudonym Dolek, Liebeskind led the vocational training section of the Jewish Self-Help Society. He was also co-commander of the resistance group He-Haluts ha-Lohem, which attacked the Germans in December 1942. Liebeskind was killed in the subsequent hand-to-hand fighting.
Photo: Sifriat Hapoalim / Yad Vashem
 December 2, 1942: Jews in 30 countries hold a day of prayer and fasting for European Jews.
 December 3, 1942: Three young Jewish women who had escaped from a labor camp in Poznan, Poland, are forcibly taken to the Lódz (Poland) Ghetto and shot.
 December 3, 1942: One thousand Jews from Plonsk, Poland, are killed at Auschwitz.
 December 3, 1942: Salomon Malkes, an official of the Lódz Ghetto, commits suicide after becoming despondent over the deportation of his mother.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 394 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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