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1943: Death and Resistance
 pg. 427 

More than 700,000 Jews perished at the Treblinka death camp. Most came from such major ghettos as Warsaw (250,000 in the summer of 1942) and Bialystok, while others endured (or died during) long train rides from Czechoslovakia, Greece, and other countries. Deportations to Treblinka ended in May 1943.
Shlomo Perel, a German Jew by birth, assumed the name Josef Perjell while a student at the Adolf Hitler school in Braunschweig. Hiding one's Jewish identity was a precarious proposition, especially for males living in a residential facility. Perel went to great lengths to hide his Jewishness, including an effort to reverse his circumcision, which was at the time clear physical evidence of Jewishness. Perel's exploits are brilliantly portrayed in the movie Europa, Europa.
Photo: Shlomo Perel / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
This note, written by Christian woman Maria Dawelec, reads: "Baptized, Mania and Wanda. Please take care of them." Dawelec left the note along with two Jewish children in the backyard of a monastery. The real name of one of the children was Tamy Lavee. Lavee eventually would be sent to an orphanage in Lódz, Poland, where she would survive the war.
Photo: Tammy Lavee / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 February 11, 1943: Of 998 Jews deported from France on this date, only ten will be alive at war's end two years later. Included among the 998 are 123 children under the age of 12, sent away without their parents. 802 are gassed immediately upon arrival at Auschwitz.
 February 12, 1943: Three French Jews escape an Auschwitz-bound train at the French frontier, but are recaptured and forced to continue the journey.
 February 13, 1943: A Jewish partisan group active near Bialystok, Poland, and led by Eli Baumats attacks a German police detachment at Lipowy Most, Poland.
 February 13, 1943: Russian-born artist Aizik Feder, a onetime student of Matisse, is one of 1000 Jews deported from Drancy, France, to the Auschwitz death camp. He is among the approximately 690 who are gassed upon arrival at the camp.
1943: Death and Resistance
 pg. 427 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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