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1943: Death and Resistance
 pg. 471 

Despite insurmountable odds, Jews nevertheless revolted in ghettos (most notably Warsaw and Bialystok), concentration camps, and death camps. Jews set the Treblinka camp on fire (August 2, 1943), killed 11 SS guards at Sobibór (October 14, 1943), and blew up one of the crematoria at Auschwitz (October 7, 1944).
Abraham Kolski (left) is seen here with Erich Lachman and a man named Brenner. The three men participated in the Treblinka uprising of August 2, 1943, and successfully found refuge in the nearby forest. A short time later, all three were taken in by a gentile family, which hid them until Poland was liberated.
Photo: Sylvia Kramarski Kolski / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The Treblinka death facility smolders in the distance following the uprising. The revolt was engineered by a small group of Czech-Jewish prisoners. During the uprising, some SS guards were killed and a few of the participants managed to escape to the surrounding forests. Even though the gas chambers were damaged, they continued to function after the revolt. The camp remained in operation for two additional months.
Photo: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 August 6, 1943: One thousand Jews in Vilna, Lithuania, are deported to Klooga, Estonia, as the Germans begin to liquidate the Vilna Ghetto.
 August 6, 1943: French Jew Albert Kohan is smuggled from France to Great Britain to make contact with London-based representatives of the French underground.
 August 7, 1943: The last trainload of Jews from Salonika, Greece, leaves for Auschwitz with 1800 detainees. Most will be killed at the camp. By this date, most of Salonika's prewar Jewish population (estimated at 56,000) has been murdered.
 August 10, 1943: Twenty-seven Jewish women seized by Nazis in the "Aryan" section of Warsaw are executed.
 August 15, 1943: Nearly 1000 French Jews of Polish birth are deported to a slave-labor camp on Alderney, one of the British Channel Islands seized in 1940 by Germany, and are put to work building fortifications.
1943: Death and Resistance
 pg. 471 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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