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1943: Death and Resistance
 pg. 481 
Surrounded by German parachutists, a slimmed-down Benito Mussolini rejoices in being freed from captivity. With the landings in Sicily and the momentum swinging to the Allied side, Italian King Victor Emmanuel III dismissed Mussolini as premier in July and placed him in military detention. Unwilling to lose his Fascist partner or allow Mussolini's government to fall, Hitler ordered a daring rescue. Mussolini became the puppet head of a Fascist republic based in northern Italy and controlled directly by Germany.
Photo: AP/Wide World
Wilhelm Kube was the Generalkommisar of Occupied Belorussia. A longtime Nazi, Kube founded the Glaubensweg deutscher Christen (Movement of German-Christian Believers), which sought the "Aryanization" of Christianity. He served as a Nazi member of the Reichstag and in various posts, including governor of Brandenburg-Berlin.
Photo: Ullstein Bilderdienst
Kube was appointed to his post in Belorussia in 1941. As he slept on September 22. 1943, Kube was killed by a bomb placed beneath his bed by his maid, a member of the Resistance. The pageantry of Kube's funeral included a flag-draped casket with a German honor guard.
Photo: Ullstein Bilderdienst
 September 20, 1943: Jacob Kapler, a Jew assigned to the body-burning detail at the Babi Yar, Ukraine, mass-murder site, finds a key that fits the padlock on a bunker in which he and other laborers are locked each night; See September 29, 1943.
 Late summer 1943: Forty Jews hiding in forests near Koniecpol, Poland, are attacked by Poles. Many of the Jews are killed.
 September 22, 1943: Wilhelm Kube, the Generalkommissar of Belorussia, is assassinated by a bomb placed beneath his bed by a Soviet partisan who had been assigned to work as his maid.
 September 24, 1943: Nazis complete the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto at Vilna.
 September 25, 1943: The Red Army captures Smolensk, Russia.
 September 25, 1943: Only about 2000 Jews, scattered among four labor camps, remain in Vilna, Lithuania.
 September 25, 1943: Eliahu Barzilai, the chief rabbi of Athens, Greece, disguises himself as a peasant and escapes from the city.
1943: Death and Resistance
 pg. 481 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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