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1944: Desperate Acts
 pg. 518 
In his official photograph, Hans Frank appears to be a commanding presence in the Nazi hierarchy. After March 1942, however, Frank no longer wielded any real power, although he retained his title as head of the Generalgouvernement, the conquered areas of Poland not incorporated into the Reich. True authority in the Generalgouvernement rested with the SS. Early in 1944 Frank proudly noted in his diary that only 100,000 Jews remained in his region, down from 3.5 million in 1941.
Photo: Lena Fagen/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Pictured (from left to right) in the office of U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull are Hull, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., and Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson. The three Cabinet members met on March 21, 1944, at the third meeting of the War Refugee Board. The board was commissioned by executive order of President Franklin Roosevelt in January 1944 and given authority to develop policies to rescue the victims of Nazi aggression.
Photo: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Newly married, Donna Habib and Peppo Levi pose for a traditional wedding picture. Following the surrender of Italy, Greek Jews, among them this young couple from Rhodes, faced new threats. Their wedded bliss would come to an abrupt end a month later when they, along with some 1700 other Jews from Rhodes, were sent to Auschwitz. Most of that group went directly to the gas chambers, although about 400 were selected for slave labor.
Photo: Miru Alcana/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 March 24, 1944: U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt warns perpetrators of war crimes that they will not escape punishment.
 March 27, 1944: 1000 Jews are deported from Drancy, France, to Auschwitz.
 March 27-28, 1944: In the Zezmariai, Lithuania, camp and in nearby Kovno, all Jewish children are rounded up and murdered. Among the few survivors is five-year-old Zahar Kaplanas, who is smuggled to safety in a sack carried by a Lithuanian gentile. One woman, told by a German that she may keep just one of her three children, cannot choose and watches as all three of them are trucked away.
1944: Desperate Acts
 pg. 518 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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