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1946: The Pursuit of Justice
 pg. 646 
As horrible as the Nazi camps had been, life went on for the inmates who survived. This photograph shows several couples, each of whom fell in love in one of Hitler's camps, getting married in a group ceremony held in Stockholm, Sweden, on June 14, 1946. This was merely the first of thousands of marriages among DPs, many of whom had lost their first spouses during the Holocaust.
Photo: American Jewish Joint Dist. Committee
The ship Josiah Wedgewood attempted to take illegal immigrants to Palestine. However, it was overtaken by the British ship HMS Venus, and its passengers were taken to the detention camp at Athlit, Palestine. Here, some of Josiah Wedgewood's passengers dance the hora on the ship's deck.
Photo: Israel Defense Forces Archive/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The ship Haviva Reik, which had been transporting illegal immigrants to Palestine, was captured by the British destroyer Saumarez in June 1946. The British towed the ship into the harbor at Haifa, Palestine, after which its passengers were interned in the detention camp at Athlit, Palestine. As the ship entered the harbor, the passengers, singing the Jewish national anthem, unfurled a banner that stated, in Hebrew, "Keep the gates open--we are not the last."
Photo: Moreshet Archives
 May 1946: Former Jewish partisan leader and Red Army officer Eliyahu Lipszowicz is murdered by an antisemitic Pole at Legnica, Poland.
 May 1946: Oswald Pohl, a former SS general in charge of camp works projects and the disposition of valuables stolen from inmates, is discovered in hiding and arrested.
 May 1, 1946: The recommendation of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry that 100,000 Jewish displaced persons should be allowed to enter Palestine is refused by the British government, which holds the mandate on Palestine.
 May 2, 1946: A funeral service is held in Kraków, Poland, for seven Jews who were murdered on April 30 by antisemitic thugs at Nowy Targ, Poland.
1946: The Pursuit of Justice
 pg. 646 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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