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EPILOGUE: The Aftermath
 pg. 663 

Europe's Jewish population fell from about 9.5 million in 1933 to 3.5 million in 1950. Poland's Jewish population fell from three million to 45,000. By 1950, upwards of 200,000 European Jews had immigrated to Palestine/Israel and 72,000 had moved to the United States.
About 69,000 Jews made the journey by sea on 65 boats from August 1945 to May 1948. Only some of these ships ran the British blockade successfully. About 51,000 of the Jewish refugees spent up to two years in British detention camps on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.

As Jewish insistence mounted, international pressure also encouraged the establishment of a Jewish homeland.

 December 1948: The United Nations convenes a Genocide Convention, which calls on member states to react with firmness against groups committed to the destruction of people on racial, ethnic, religious, or national grounds. The United States delegation, keenly aware of the forced segregation within the U.S., declines to ratify the convention.
 1949: Only 300 of the 9600 people sentenced to confinement by the Nuremberg Tribunal and subsequent trials remain imprisoned.
 1949: Auschwitz-Birkenau physician/torturer Josef Mengele adopts a pseudonym and settles in South America.
 1949: Jew-baiting Nazi Hermann Esser, author of The Jewish World Pest (1939), is stripped of his property and civil rights by a German denazification court and sentenced in absentia to five years' forced labor.
 1949: Lutz Schwerin von Krosigk, former Reich minister of finance, is sentenced at Nuremberg to ten years' imprisonment.
 1949: Western preoccupation with the nascent Cold War diminishes enthusiasm for further large-scale prosecution of alleged Nazi war criminals.
EPILOGUE: The Aftermath
 pg. 663 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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