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1933: The Nazi State Begins
 pg. 69 
The transport of these arrested leaders of the Socialist Party through the streets of Karlsruhe, Germany, was choreographed to feed the Nazi propaganda machine. Guarded by SA and SS personnel, the "criminals" were jeered by hostile crowds along the entire route to the prison at Kislau, Germany. Photographs of the staged event were later used as part of a postcard series glorifying the elimination of the subversive elements within German society. According to Nazi lore, the Socialists shouldered responsibility for the failures of the despised Weimar Republic.
Photo: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive

 August 25, 1933: The Haavara (Transfer) agreement between the German Ministry of the Economy and the Zionist Organization facilitates a large-scale emigration of Jews from Germany to Palestine.
 September 1933: Heinrich Himmler is appointed overseer of all police units in the Reich, except Prussia.
 September 1933: The Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden, the central representative body of German Jews emphasizing education, is established; it is led by Otto Hirsch and Rabbi Leo Baeck. It is the only organization officially allowed to represent German Jews.
 September 22, 1933: The Reich Chamber of Culture is established.
 September 22, 1933: German Jews are banned from the fields of journalism, art, literature, music, broadcasting, and theater.
 September 29, 1933: Hitler approves the decree forbidding German Jews from the occupation of farming.
1933: The Nazi State Begins
 pg. 69 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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