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EPILOGUE: The Aftermath
 pg. 696 
Magda Trocmé, a French Christian who had rescued Jews, lights the eternal flame at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem.
Photo: Yad Vashem Photo Archive / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Miep Gies helped hide Anne Frank and her family in Amsterdam. She found Anne's diary and saved the treasured book, which has touched millions of readers.
Photo: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The Time Web site about Hitler included the cover story from the magazine's January 2, 1939, issue. It featured Hitler as Time's Man of 1938. Time gave Hitler credit for lifting Germany to unanticipated power in less than six years: "His was no ordinary dictatorship, but rather one of great energy and magnificent planning." But on the whole, Time's story was ominous, for it stated that the most significant fact about Hitler in 1938 was that he had become "the greatest threatening force that the democratic, freedom-loving world faces today." The article contained no explicit reference to the November 1938 pogroms (Kristallnacht) that had savaged Jews in Germany and Austria, but it did note Hitler's racist antisemitism and called attention to the fact that Germany's Jews "have been tortured physically, robbed of homes and properties, denied a chance to earn a living, chased off the streets."

The cover of the January 2, 1939, issue of Time did not use a conventional photograph, but a caricature with sentiments worthy of the brave Munich journalists whom the Nazis crushed for protesting against Hitler in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The cover art, drawn by Baron Rudolph Charles von Ripper, a German Catholic who despised Nazi Germany, depicted Hitler as an organist playing a hymn of hate in a profaned cathedral while the Nazi hierarchy approvingly observes the tortured victims of the Third Reich.

The coverage of Hitler also mentioned other leaders who had acted with distinction in 1938. In the field of religion, Time recognized two men for their opposition to him. One was German Protestant Pastor Martin Niemöller, who was first arrested and imprisoned by the Nazis in early July 1937. He endured harsh concentration-camp conditions at Sachsenhausen and Dachau until the end of World War II. His famous personal statement remains one of the most succinct warnings from the Holocaust. "First they came for the Communists," said Niemöller, "and I did not speak up because I was not a Communist. They came for the union leaders, and I did not speak up because I was not a union leader. They came for the Jews, and I did not speak up because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up for me."

 July 7, 1998: Volkswagen AG announces plans to establish a fund to compensate workers who were forced into slave labor at VW factories during World War II.
 Early August 1998: Major Swiss banks agree to pay a total of $1.25 billion to Holocaust victims whose assets had been stolen from Swiss bank accounts during World War II; See Summer 1999.
 August 18, 1998: The Polish government announces a plan to terminate the lease for property near the former Auschwitz death camp held by a Christian war-victims organization. The government states that the group violated terms of the lease by erecting crosses on the property. The crosses have raised the ire of Jewish groups; See September 20, 1998.
 August 19, 1998: Italy's Assicurazioni Generali insurance company agrees to pay $100 million to compensate Holocaust victims whose insurance policies were never honored. The settlement also requires that Generali make public its policy records from the Nazi era.
EPILOGUE: The Aftermath
 pg. 696 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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