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1935: Steps Toward Destruction
 pg. 95 
The Nuremberg Laws forbade marriages between Aryans and Jews. But the question remained: Who was a Jew? This chart, produced by the German government, explains which unions were forbidden. These included marriages between those of ÀGerman bloodÀ and full or Àhalf Jews,À as well as those between Jews and people of one-quarter Jewish heritage. Further, the state prohibited marriages between Àquarter JewsÀ and any other marriages that might somehow ÀpolluteÀ the German blood of one of the partners. Moreover, those Aryans who had married half or quarter Jews before 1935 were encouraged to seek divorce.
Photo: Stadtarchiv Bielefeld/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
International reaction to the Nuremberg Laws was generally negative. Here, Baltimore, Maryland's The Sun attacks the laws as an unprovoked assault upon the rights of Germany's Jewish population. Nevertheless, few Americans were willing to go beyond pro forma protests.
Photo: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
A Christmas greeting from Hitler to Heinrich Himmler. Eventually, the Nazis officially replaced the word ÀChristmasÀ with ÀYuletide,À lest anyone's birth be celebrated more fervently than Hitler's.
Photo: AP/Wide World Photos
 December 1935: SS chief Heinrich Himmler orders the Race and Settlement Central Office (RuSHA) to establish the Lebensborn (Fountain of Life) network of maternity homes. The purpose of the homes is "to accommodate and look after racially and genetically valuable expectant mothers."
 December 31, 1935: The last Jews remaining in Germany's civil service are dismissed by the government.
 1935-1938: Poland models its policy regarding Jews on that of Nazi Germany. Jews are attacked throughout Poland. Tens of thousands of Polish Jews emigrate to Holland, France, Belgium, and Palestine. Anti-Jewish riots erupt in Polish universities, where Jewish students are restricted to special seats.
 1935-1938: University quotas for Jews also exist at this time in United States universities. American discrimination restricts the Jewish presence in education, jobs, and housing just as it keeps Eastern European Jews out of the United States.
1935: Steps Toward Destruction
 pg. 95 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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