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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 226 
From the start of the war, Hungarian Prime Minister Count Pál Teleki wished to expand his nation's territorial holdings while remaining free of philosophical and physical domination by Germany. In the summer of 1940, Teleki acceded to the wishes of many Hungarians when he accepted from Germany the largely Romanian region of Transylvania, home to a substantial Hungarian minority. The price to be paid was closer ties to Berlin and increased antisemitic agitation from Hungarian rightists. On April 2, 1941, the mortified Teleki took his life four days before Germany's invasion of Yugoslavia--a nation with which Hungary had signed a pact of friendship. Teleki's funeral, seen here, closed the book on the prime minister's naive ambition.
Photo: SchÀffer Gyula/ Hungarian National Museum
The German invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941 was disastrous for the 80,000 Jewish inhabitants. While the Yugoslav government had enacted anti-Jewish legislation before the war, the campaign intensified after the occupation. The Nazis registered all Jews, restricted their movement, and utilized most Jewish men for forced labor. These men were forced to clean the streets.
Photo: Bundesarchiv / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
This official directive appeared in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. It reads as follows: "All Jews must register with the city police on April 19 by 8:00 a.m. Jews who fail to comply with this mandatory registration will be shot." Posted in both German and Serbo-Croatian, the message clearly communicated the Nazis' serious intent.
Photo: Jewish Historical Museum of Yugoslavia / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 April 1, 1941: Rashid Ali al-Gaylani establishes a pro-Nazi government in Iraq.
 April 2, 1941: Hungarian Premier Count Pál Telecki commits suicide rather than collaborate with Germany.
 April 6, 1941: German forces invade Greece and Yugoslavia, setting off war in the Balkans. Jews in both countries are soon driven from their homes.
 April 7, 1941: Two separate ghettos are established in Radom, Poland. At Kielce, Poland, 16,000 local Jews and about a thousand Jewish deportees from Vienna are herded into a ghetto area.
1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 226 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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