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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 229 
This photo of a raid on the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw was found on the body of a German soldier killed on the Russian front. During such raids, Jews were lined up in the streets and forced to stand with their hands above their heads for hours. There is no telling why a soldier would carry such a souvenir.
Photo: Hulton Getty
Although Hungary never was enthusiastic about its alliance with Nazi Germany, its association did bring it significant new territory and the (temporary) comfort that Hungary would not suffer a German invasion. German-Hungarian links became stronger in the spring of 1941 following Soviet bombing attacks on Hungarian targets. All of this, plus agitation from the Arrow Cross Party and other Hungarian Fascist groups, drove the nation toward closer ties with Germany and into increasing belligerence. The Budapest boys seen here are members of the Levente, a paramilitary organization that was mandatory for Hungarian youth.
Photo: Beth Hatefutsoth
This forged identity card was carried by a man who acted under the pseudonym of Marc Sylvain Camus. In truth, the man was a French Resistance operator. In 1940 a group of Jewish Communists formed a Resistance organization called Solidarité, which later became the Union des Juifs pour la Résistance et l'Entr'aide (Union of Jews for Resistance and Mutual Aid). By war's end, the UJRE had saved 900 children from death.
Photo: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 April 27, 1941: Germany completes its conquest of Greece.
 April 30, 1941: Racial legislation enacted at Zagreb, Croatia, by the pro-German government removes Jews from public office.
 April 30, 1941: Croat law holds that people with just one Jewish parent are protected from deportation.
 May 1941: Thousands of Jews who had fought in the French Foreign Legion against Germany in 1940 are deported to slave-labor camps in the Sahara to build railroads.
 May 1941: 120 Jews are slain in the streets during antisemitic violence in Bucharest, Romania.
 May 1941: Jewish cemeteries, synagogues, and businesses in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, are destroyed.
 May 1941: The Norges SS (Norwegian SS) is established, with membership taken from Norway's collaborationist Hirdmen; See May 17, 1933.
 May 1, 1941: A concentration camp is established at Natzweiler, Alsace, Germany.
 May 1, 1941: Gross-Rosen, formerly a satellite camp of Sachsenhausen, Germany, becomes an independent camp.
1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 229 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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