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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 397 
The Germans extended their antisemitic policies to the parts of North Africa under their control. These Tunisian Jews march off to engage in forced labor. Relatively few North African Jews perished in the Holocaust, however, because the Allies conquered the region before the Nazis had the opportunity to begin a systematic program of extermination.
Photo: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Considering their subjects only as research tools, not humans, Nazi medical experimenters put no ethical limits on their activities. As with the prisoner whose leg is pictured here, some inmates were injected with pus and toxic substances in order to generate infections on which various experimental medicines could be tested. Nazi researchers also amputated healthy limbs for transplant to soldiers who had been severely wounded. Few prisoners survived the experiments, either dying immediately or becoming so weakened and ill that they were soon consigned to the gas chambers.
Photo: State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Proudly posing in the regalia of an SS officer, Max Koegel found his career within the Nazi bureaucracy. Like many German soldiers after World War I, he had difficulty adjusting to civilian life. In 1926 Koegel served time in prison for bankruptcy and fraud, and in 1929 his frustrations led him to join the SS. He served on the staff of the Dachau concentration camp in 1933 and progressed from there through a variety of camp positions, including posts as the commandant of the Ravensbrück concentration camp and, beginning in 1942, the Majdanek death camp.
Photo: Berlin Document Center / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 December 9, 1942: Christian Century, an American Protestant journal, attacks Rabbi Stephen Wise, claiming he has lied about the Holocaust in his recent press conference. Christian Century further argues that even if what Wise has to say is true, to make the facts of the Holocaust public serves no purpose.
 December 10, 1942: A transport of Jews from Germany arrives at Auschwitz.
 December 10, 1942: At Wola Przybyslawska, Poland, near the Parczew Forest, Nazis shoot seven Poles accused of aiding Jews.
 December 10, 1942: The Polish ambassador to Britain informs Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden that the Polish government-in-exile can confirm that the German authorities are systematically exterminating the entire Jewish population of Poland and the rest of Europe.
 December 11, 1942: Jewish inmates of a labor camp at Lutsk, Ukraine, are informed by a Christian woman that the camp is about to be liquidiated. The Jews quickly plan a revolt; See December 12, 1942.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 397 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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