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1943: Death and Resistance
 pg. 420 
Huddling in small groups, Jews from Novo Moskovsk in the Ukraine are deported. Some 400 Jews from this town were transported to the death camps of Poland in spite of the Wehrmacht's protests that trains were more urgently required for military purposes. Although the harsh winter weather halted the transports, they began again in mid-January 1943.
Photo: State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The German occupiers took advantage of French antisemitism to recruit Frenchmen to fight for the Nazi cause. While the Germans never got all of the aid they desired, the Vichy government was officially their ally and did supply a number of soldiers to the Nazis. These French legionnaires left to fight on the Russian front. One of them scratched the words "Death to the Jews."
Photo: BHVP / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Following their defeat at Stalingrad, Russia, German and Romanian soldiers wait to be sent to prisoner-of-war camps. Against the fierce cold, the soldiers huddle together for warmth and comfort as they march into what would be a cruel captivity. Few of those who entered the camps returned to their homelands; most died of disease and starvation.
Photo: Ullstein Bilderdienst
 January 22-27, 1943: During Operation Tiger in Marseilles, France, Nazis seize more than 4000 Jews for deportation. At nearby Les Accates, 29 Jewish children are seized at La Rose Orphanage. Their guardian, Alice Salomon, insists on remaining with them; See March 23, 1943.
 January 23, 1943: Italian authorities refuse to cooperate with Germans in deportations of French Jews living in zones of France under Italian control.
 January 23, 1943: British forces liberate Tripoli, Libya.
1943: Death and Resistance
 pg. 420 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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