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1936: The Nazis
 pg. 106 
German heavyweight boxer Max Schmeling took on the up-and-coming Joe Louis at New York's Yankee Stadium on June 19, 1936. (Scheduled for the 18th, the match was delayed one day because of rain.) Billed in Germany as a fight between the Aryan Àmaster raceÀ and an inferior African, Schmeling's victory provided ripe fodder for the Nazi propaganda machine. Two years later, when Louis knocked out Schmeling in the first round of their rematch, the Nazi press quietly downplayed the event.
Photo: Howard University/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Reinhard Heydrich's Àprototypical NordicÀ features and cunning administrative talents made him the Nazis' favorite advertisement for the Àmaster race.À As Himmler's right-hand man, Heydrich in 1936 became chief of the Berlin Gestapo and head of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the security apparatus for the entire German Reich. Heydrich was instrumental in building the SS terror system and designing the ÀFinal SolutionÀ to the ÀJewish question.À
Photo: Bundesarchiv
Father Charles E. Coughlin was the founder of the Union for Social Justice, an isolationist, antisemitic organization that he promoted on his national radio program. Here he addresses an audience in Cleveland, Ohio, on July 17, 1936. Heating up an already sweltering auditorium, Coughlin attacks President Franklin Roosevelt's social agenda and its Jewish supporters.
Photo: AP/Wide World Photos
 July 17, 1936: The Spanish Civil War begins.
 August 1936: Poland's Ministry of Commerce orders all small businesses to display the owners' names as the names appear on the birth certificates. The directive is intended to expose Jewish-owned businesses.
 August 1-16, 1936: The Summer Olympic Games are held in Berlin, allowing the world its first (stage-managed) look at the Third Reich. The Germans disguise any outward signs of antisemitism. Avery Brun-dage, head of the United States National Olympic Committee, successfully fights against an American boycott of the Berlin Olympics, insisting that the Olympic boycott lobby is led by Jewish "special interests." Once in Germany, Brundage is entertained by top Nazi official Hermann Göring.
1936: The Nazis
 pg. 106 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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