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1936: The Nazis
 pg. 107 
Signs bearing the words ÀJews are unwanted hereÀ humiliated Jewish people throughout Nazi Germany. Parks, stores, restaurants, and other locations were declared off-limits. In an effort to whitewash their treatment of Jews before the international audience at Berlin for the 1936 Olympics, the Nazis systematically removed the signs before the start of the Games. The signs were reinstalled after the Games were over.
Photo: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
A Nazi propaganda filmstrip showing different racial types portrays the Jew as a racial "bastard." According to Nazi race ideology, Jews were the antithesis of Germans and the scourge of the earth. The constant barrage of antisemitic depictions of Jews effectively dehumanized them.
Photo: Roland Klemig/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive

The Sachsenhausen concentration camp was established in Oranienburg, a town about 15 miles northeast of Berlin, in September 1936. Among the first of the major concentration camps built to house the Third Reich's thousands of political prisoners, it was conveniently located close to the German capital.

While Sachsenhausen remained primarily a camp for political opponents of the regime, Jews began to arrive there in significant numbers in 1938. From 1942, most of the Jews who entered the camp stayed only temporarily, eventually being sent eastward to the death camps in Poland.

Many of those who remained in the camp were victims of the cruel medical experiments carried on there. Among these was research into the causes, effects, and cures for jaundice. The subjects of these experiments were eventually killed (sometimes in the camp's small gas chamber), autopsied, and cremated in the camp's ovens.

In total, about 100,000 people died in Sachsenhausen during the years of the camp's operation (1936 to 1945), making it one of the most lethal of the concentration camps located on German soil.

 September 7, 1936: A 25-percent tax is imposed on all Jewish assets in Germany.
 September 23, 1936: A concentration camp opens at Sachsenhausen, Germany.
 October 1, 1936: Criminal-court judges in Berlin swear a mandatory oath of allegiance to Hitler.
 October 25, 1936: Hitler and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini sign a treaty forming the Berlin-Rome Axis in preparation for war.
 November 18, 1936: Germany's volunteer Condor Legion leaves for combat in Spain, on the side of Francisco Franco's Fascists.
 November 25, 1936: Germany and Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact in order to block Soviet activities abroad.
1936: The Nazis
 pg. 107 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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