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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 221 
Pictured is the entrance to the offices of the Warsaw Ghetto's Jewish Council. The armband worn by the well-dressed woman indicates that she was employed by the Council, as were the policemen stationed at the entrance. Among ghettoized Jews, the affluent and those of higher "rank" often had better living conditions.
Photo: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz
When the order to establish a sealed ghetto in Kraków was implemented, Jews were forcibly conscripted to build the wall. At first Jews were simply pulled off the streets and told to work. Later, however, the Jewish Council worked closely with the Nazi authorities to coordinate the labor pool. Work quotas were established, and the Jewish Council was responsible for delivering the required number of laborers.
Photo: Bundesarchiv / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Heinrich Himmler and Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss share a moment of satisfaction as they ponder the camp's future. During his March 1 inspection, Himmler ordered Höss to expand the facility, including building a new camp called Birkenau for 100,000 prisoners of war. In addition, 10,000 prisoners were to construct an I.G. Farben factory for the production of synthetic rubber. Höss reported that Himmler planned to transform Auschwitz into "one immense prison-cum-munitions center."
Photo: Yad Vashem
 March 1, 1941: After failing to maintain its neutrality, Bulgaria joins Germany as an ally.
 March 1, 1941: Heinrich Himmler, leader of the SS, begins plans for the expansion of the Auschwitz complex.
 March 2, 1941: German troops enter Bulgaria.
 March 3, 1941: A Jewish ghetto at Kraków, Poland, is established.
 March 3, 1941: Ernst Cahn, co-owner of an Amsterdam ice cream parlor in which German troops were sprayed with ammonia on February 19, is executed by a German firing squad.
 March 7, 1941: Thousands of Jews in the Upper Silesia region of Poland are rounded up and put to work in German mines, metallurgy factories, and textile plants. Jews living in many areas of Germany are put to work in similarly compulsory labor.
 March 12, 1941: Thirteen-year-old Wolf Finkelstein is shot through the heart and lungs by a German sentry in the Lódz (Poland) Ghetto.
1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 221 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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