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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 246 
Joseph Stalin's son, Yakov Djugashvili, became a captive of the Germans a month after the Wehrmacht invaded the Soviet Union. Stalin's relationship with his elder son had always been cold, and the dictator was unmoved by subsequent German offers to exchange Yakov for Hitler's nephew, Leo Raubal, or for Field Marshal Friedrich von Paulus. Blood ties aside, Stalin was no longer disposed to make deals with Germany. Yakov remained in captivity and died in a German prison camp in 1943--a suicide or, some believe, the victim of British POWs. The SS uniform he wears here was probably a malicious German slap at Stalin.
Photo: Dokumentationsarchiv Des Osterreichischen Widerstandes
A column of Jews is herded by Lithuanian auxiliary police into a narrow circular passage. They are en route to their execution at an unfinished construction site in Ponary near Vilna. Auxiliary brigades comprised a critical source of manpower for the Nazis as they unleashed their genocidal fury. Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Latvians, Estonians, and a host of other East Europeans willingly participated in the murder of millions of Jews.
Photo: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Leaders of the Jewish community from Balti, Romania, await their execution at the hands of the German conquerors. Standing from left to right are Summer Zitterman, Iosif Broitman, Bernard Walter, Sacha Diagot, Aizic Schächtman, Schmerl Schoihat, Burach Blank, Suchar Roitman, Simon Grünberg, Cripps, Leibia Galavata, and Iankel Tenenboim.
Photo: Yad Vashem / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 July 8, 1941: Jews in the Baltic are forced to wear the Jewish badge.
 July 8, 1941: Executions of Jews begin at Ponary, Lithuania.
 July 10, 1941: All 1600 residents of Jedwabne, Poland, are accosted by their Polish neighbors, and by peasants from outlying areas, and are marched to the central market. In a day-long ordeal, the Jews are tortured and subsequently herded into a barn, which is set ablaze with kerosene. The massacre is not carried out by the Germans, who maintain only a token presence in Jedwabne on this day.
 July 12, 1941: Great Britain and the Soviet Union sign a military treaty to work together for Hitler's defeat.
1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 246 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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