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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 283 
The gate of Theresienstadt's Small Fortress bore the Nazi slogan ARBEIT MACHT FREI ("Work Will Set You Free"). The Nazis, insisting that Jews were universally "work shy," cynically tried to create the impression that, if Jews worked hard enough, they could earn their freedom. No Jews ever "earned" freedom, though for some continued work allowed them to survive until liberation. More often, however, Jews were allowed to work only as long as they were needed, or until they were no longer physically capable of performing their tasks. At that point the charade would end and the workers would be put to death.
Photo: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
A band of Jewish partisans marches in a forest in Yugoslavia. Partisans often liked to be pictured with their weapons to portray their strength and determination. They needed every ounce of both, given the rugged nature of Yugoslavia's terrain and the obvious advantages of the Nazis.
Photo: Jewish Historical Museum of Yugoslavia / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The Nazis tried to dupe the world into believing that Theresienstadt was a relatively pleasant, politically independent Jewish city. As part of this deception, they issued currency for the city. Of course, the Theresienstadt Ghetto and concentration camp remained under German control throughout their existences.
Photo: Sharon Muller / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 December 1941: The Night and Fog Decree is issued by Hitler through Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel. It allows German troops to execute any obstructive non-German civilians in occupied nations.
 December 1941: Generalplan Ost (General Plan for the East), directed by SS chief Heinrich Himmler, proposes the deportation of 31 million non-Germans in the conquered Eastern Territories to create Lebensraum ("Living space") for German colonists.
 December 1941: The German Ministry of Occupied Eastern Territories decrees that the destruction of Jews shall continue irrespective of economic considerations; i.e., the allure of unpaid Jewish labor will be ignored.
 December 1941: During the murder of 5000 Jews at Novogrudok, Belorussia, 200 Jews resist and kill 20 Nazis before being gunned down.
 December 1941: A death camp opens at Chelmno, Poland.
 December 1941: Ten thousand Jews deported from Odessa, Ukraine, are murdered at camps at Acmecetka, Bogdanovka, and Domanevka, Romania.
 December 1941: Mass murders of Jews in the Ukraine and Volhynia region of Poland are slowed when the frozen ground prevents the digging of execution pits.
1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 283 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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