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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 286 
Arthur Seyss-Inquart was Reichskommissar for the Occupied Netherlands from 1940 to 1945. Although he was largely responsible for the devastation the Holocaust brought to the Netherlands, Seyss-Inquart is most famous for the role he played in Germany's annexation of Austria in 1938. Long a Nazi sympathizer, he became Austria's chancellor as a result of pressure from Hitler on March 11, 1938, welcoming a German invasion and incorporation into the Reich. Seyss-Inquart was hanged following trial at Nuremberg.
Photo: SYddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst
This map is entitled "Jewish Executions Carried Out by Einsatzgruppe A" and stamped "Secret Reich Matter." It shows the number of Jews executed in the Baltics and Belorussia by late 1941. The legend near the bottom states that "the estimated number of Jews still on hand [was] 128,000." The coffin is a symbol for the number of dead Jews in each designated area.
Photo: National Archives / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The Nazis went to extensive lengths to segregate the Jewish from the gentile population. In Lódz, Poland, for example, where the ghetto was divided by Zgierska Street, the Germans constructed a bridge linking the two sections of the ghetto. This way, the Nazis did not have to include this important thoroughfare within the confines of the Jewish sector of the city.
Photo: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz
 December 8, 1941: The United States, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand declare war on Japan. News of America's involvement in the war cheers many European Jews, who believe rescue will come soon; See December 10, 1941.
 December 8, 1941: Four thousand Jews of Novogrudok, Belorussia, are killed.
 December 8-December 14, 1941: The Nazis gas Jews at a forest near Chelmno, Poland. On the 8th alone, 2300 Jews are killed this way. Seven hundred victims are from Kolo, Poland.
1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 286 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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