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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 303 
Three nurses pose outside the Jewish hospital in Tarnow, Poland. The Nazis began to deport Tarnow's Jews to the Belzec death camp in 1942. On September 2, 1943, when the Nazis began the liquidation of the ghetto, the remaining population resisted. The Germans used force to put down the rebellion and deported the remaining Jews to Auschwitz and Plaszow.
Photo: Norman Salsitz / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
This woman awaits execution in the Belzec death camp, as pleas for her life fall on deaf ears. About 600,000 people, virtually all of them Jews, died at Belzec.
A 1942 telegram from the Riga, Latvia, office of Sipo, the Sicherheitspolizei (Security Police), testifies to the Nazis' methodical approach to killing. Sent to three Einsatzkommandos (special killing units), the telegram requests specific data regarding the number of people who have been executed. Specific numbers are requested for the following categories: Jews, Communists, partisans, and mentally ill, as well as women and children.
Photo: SYddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst
 January 21, 1942: Jews in the Vilna (Lithuania) Ghetto establish the Unified Partisan Organization to resist Nazi terror.
 January 21-23, 1942: Hungarian Fascists drive 550 Jews and 292 Serbs to the Danube River at Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. They force them onto the ice, shoot the ice to break it up, and then shoot those who do not quickly drown.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 303 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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