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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 329 
This destitute girl, perhaps dead, lies on a street in the Warsaw Ghetto. Notice the people who casually walk by. Starvation became so common in Warsaw that several Jewish physicians undertook a self-study of the effects of famine that resulted from the horrible conditions imposed by the Germans. They considered the study an act of resistance performed to commemorate the dead. One of the doctors involved insisted that the study was proof that "not all of me shall die!"
Photo: State Archives of the Russian Federation / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
As appalling as conditions were in the Warsaw Ghetto, some of the city's Jews survived, often by hiding outside the ghetto in the homes of gentiles who were willing to conceal them. Here, Jacob, David, and Shalom Gutgeld pose with their Aunt Janke. Janke managed to get the three boys out of the ghetto, hiding them in the small apartment of a couple named the Roslans. Jacob and David survived the Holocaust, but Shalom died of scarlet fever.
Photo: Gay Block and Malka Drucker / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Because of the scarcity of raw materials in the ghettos, it became increasingly difficult for Jews to continue to perform their jobs. Repeated conscriptions for forced labor only exacerbated the situation. This shoemaker was one of the few permitted to continue his trade in the Warsaw Ghetto. The Germans made exceptions of this sort in order to promote a feeling of normalcy in the ghetto and to convince the Jews that deportation to the East really meant resettlement.
Photo: Bildarchiv Preussuscher Kulturbesitz
 June 9, 1942: At Lidice, Czechoslovakia, Germans begin to murder over 190 men and boys in retaliation for the attack on Reinhard Heydrich. The Germans will murder another 47 men, women, and children at Lezaky, Czechoslovakia; See June 18, 1942.
 June 9, 1942: When a Jewish mother at Pabianice, Poland, fights fiercely for her baby during a deportation, the baby is taken from her and thrown out a window.
 June 9, 1942: German police in Lódz, Poland, report to their superiors in Poznan that 95 Lódz Jews have been publicly hanged.
 June 9, 1942: A gassing van is sent to Riga, Latvia, for the execution of Jews; See June 15, 1942.
 June 10, 1942: One thousand Jews are deported from Prague, Czechoslovakia, to the East, where they are murdered.
 June 11, 1942: Adolf Eichmann meets with representatives from France, Belgium, and Holland to discuss deportation plans for Jews.
 June 11-12, 1942: Ten thousand Jews from the Tarnów, Poland, Ghetto are murdered at the Belzec extermination camp.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 329 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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