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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 373 
In July 1942 the Nazis began to deport foreign Jews living in Paris to Auschwitz. Of the first 1000 shipped to the death camp, only 17 survived the Holocaust. Many died on the journey, which took three days. One of the survivors recalled that the victims were "piled up in freight cars, unable to bend or to budge, sticking one to the other, breathless, crushed by one's neighbor's every move. This was already hell." Fourteen-year-old Denise Sternzus, pictured here, was deported from Paris to Auschwitz on September 25, 1942.
Photo: Serge Klarsfeld / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The Drancy internment camp outside of Paris was a halfway point between life and death for Jews arrested in France. During the July 1942 roundups, 13,000 foreign Jews living in Paris were arrested. A third of them were children, who were separated from their parents, mistreated, and murdered. Pictured here is a gendarmerie barracks that served to house Jews at Drancy.
Photo: Yad Vashem Archives
Oswald Pohl

SS General Oswald Pohl lived for loot and plunder. He was in charge of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office. In that capacity, he controlled all of the slave labor in camps as well as the Third Reich's disposition of the possessions looted from Jewish victims of the "Final Solution," which were crucial to the German war effort.

Pohl supervised the construction of thousands of German concentration camps and extermination camps, which housed, worked, and worked to death more than 700,000 slave laborers. He was responsible for the exploitation of hair taken from Jewish victims, which were used for textiles, as well as the gold from Jewish teeth, rings, and eyeglass frames, which was passed on to the State Treasury.

After the war, Pohl was caught, tried, and convicted as a war criminal. He was hanged on June 8, 1951.
Photo: AP/Wide World

 September 29, 1942: 500 of nearly 800 Jews who attempt to escape Serniki, Poland, are killed by the Germans. Of 279 who reach nearby forests, 102 will perish before the end of the war.
 September 30, 1942: Hitler declares publicly that the war will mean the destruction of European Jewry.
 September 30, 1942: September 1942-January 1943: Polish Jews trapped in the Warsaw Ghetto construct more than 600 fortified bunkers.
 October 1942: Jews are deported to Auschwitz from Holland and Belgium; to the Treblinka death camp from central Poland and the Theresienstadt, Czechoslovakia camp/ghetto; and to the Belzec death camp from the Eastern Galicia region of Poland.
 October 1942: In the Occupied Soviet Union, many Jews are killed in the streets, in forests, and in rock quarries.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 373 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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