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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 388 
"The Jewish Plot" implicates the three powers aligned against Germany--the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union--as pawns of the "international Jewish conspiracy." To the left of "Baruch" is a list of Jews labeled as "trusted" aides of U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. To the right of "Moses-Sohn" is a caption that says, "The majority of leading officials within the Soviet Union are Jews! Out of 503 government officials, 406 are Jews!"
Photo: Philip Drell
This 1942 poster advertising a lecture series in New York City by Varian Fry calls attention to France under the Nazis. An emissary of the New York-based Emergency Rescue Committee, Fry had been sent to France to arrange for the escape of some 200 prominent anti-Nazi artists and authors, many of them Jews. By the time he was expelled from France in September 1941, over a year after he entered, he had secured the release of more than 1000 people. At the bottom of this flyer on Fry are the words "WANTED BY THE GESTAPO."
Photo: Anette Fry / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
An early and vocal opponent of the Nazis, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver urged Americans to join in a boycott of German goods. He chaired the United Palestine Appeal before joining Rabbi Stephen Wise as co-chair of the American Zionist Emergency Council. Born in Lithuania and a rabbi for decades in Cleveland, Ohio, Silver parted company with Wise and others by arguing vociferously for the urgent need for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Photo: Yad Vashem / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 November 6-7, 1942: One thousand Jews in Drancy, France, spend the night on a railroad siding crammed into boxcars. After the train departs for Auschwitz, two Jews squeeze to safety after bars in a small window are loosened; See November 8, 1942.
 November 7-November 30, 1942: More than 50,000 Jews in Poland and the Ukraine are deported to death camps at Belzec, Treblinka, and Majdanek.
 November 8, 1942: The Jews from Drancy, France, arrive by train at Auschwitz, where 227 are assigned to forced labor and 773 are gassed.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 388 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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