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1943: Death and Resistance
 pg. 499 
A concrete wall topped with broken glass and steel spikes surrounds part of the Vught concentration camp, the main transit station for Jews in the southern portion of the Netherlands. Vught was established in December 1942 and received its first Jewish prisoners the next month. While conditions inside the camp were not as bad as those in Eastern Europe, the fact remains that Vught functioned as a transfer station to Westerbork, an important way station on the one-way journey to Auschwitz.
Photo: Imperial War Museum/Archive Photos
A free-standing crematorium stands outside the barbed-wire fence of Vught, Netherlands. While Vught was not an extermination camp, many prisoners died while they were incarcerated, especially during the period from October 1943 to January 1944, when the camp was run by SS-Sturmbannführer Adam Grünewald. A pile of human ashes lies in front of the oven.
Photo: Imperial War Museum/Archive Photos
Reich Minister Richard Walther Darré greets Hitler in 1943. Darré's background in agriculture and economics propelled him to the head of the Race and Settlement Office (RuSHA) and the head of the Office for Agricultural Policy. He was dismissed from his posts for criticizing how Hitler and Himmler handled the war, and was consequently banished to his hunting lodge in Schorfheide, Germany.
Photo: Richard Freimark / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 November 14, 1943: Jews from Ferrara, Italy, are deported to Auschwitz.
 November 16, 1943: Ill Jewish slave laborers at the Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland, ammunition factory, who are lured from their barracks by Ukrainian guards and SS men promising soup, are gunned down or loaded onto trucks and taken to an execution site elsewhere in the camp.
 November 17, 1943: 995 Dutch Jews arrive at Auschwitz; 531, including 166 children, are immediately gassed.
 November 17, 1943: Romanian dictator Ion Antonescu orders his Cabinet to resist German efforts to exterminate Jews in the Transnistria region.
 November 19, 1943: Prisoners from Sonderkommando 1005, a corpse-burning unit, revolt at the Janówska, Ukraine, slave-labor camp near Lvov. A leader of the uprising, Leon Weliczker, is one of the few who survive.
 November 19, 1943: One thousand Jews are shot at the Jewish cemetery outside Sandomierz, Poland.
1943: Death and Resistance
 pg. 499 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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