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1944: Desperate Acts
 pg. 528 
Two children clutch their father's hand while their mother, balancing on crutches, struggles to keep up during the deportation of Jews from the Sighet (Hungary) Ghetto. From May 16 to 22, 1944, most of the nearly 8600 Jews who had been crowded into the town's ghetto were deported to Auschwitz. Among those sent from Sighet to Auschwitz was 14-year-old Elie Wiesel, who would later write of his experiences in Night.
Photo: Albert Rosenthal/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The little Hungarian town of Köszeg had only 80 Jews when a ghetto was created there on May 11, 1944. The total population of the ghetto, which incorporated Jews from surrounding towns, was only 103. This photograph shows the loading of the ghetto's population onto transport trains bound for Auschwitz. Note the participation of troops from Hungary's Fascist organization, the Arrow Cross, in the deportation. The organization's members, many of whom were poor and uneducated, participated vigorously in deportations.
Photo: Yad Vashem/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 Late May 1944: At the Auschwitz rail junction, German soldiers who encounter a sealed deportation train carrying Hungarian Jews to the Birkenau death camp defy threats of SS guards and give water and food to pleading prisoners.
 Late May 1944: An SS man who has fallen in love with a Jewish girl manages for months to shunt her away from the gas chambers, but when the romance is discovered both are executed.
 May 31, 1944: SS Brigadier General Edmund Veesenmayer reports to Berlin that 204,312 Jews have been deported from Hungary.
 May 31, 1944: Near the German border, a Hungarian deportation train stops for the removal of 42 corpses.
1944: Desperate Acts
 pg. 528 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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