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1945: Liberation and Rebuilding
 pg. 631 
Women in a DP camp in Germany participate in sewing lessons run by the Organization for Rehabilitation through Training (ORT). The ORT offered vocational training to European Jews beginning in 1940, and also sponsored courses that, if discovered, would have incurred Nazi displeasure: medicine, graphic arts, architecture, and other arts. By war's end, the ORT turned its energies to the more immediate needs of Europe's DPs. It was one of various groups, some with financial support from the American Joint Distribution Committee, that sought to train survivors in the skills they would need to find jobs and support themselves in the postwar world.
Photo: Yad Vashem
This sign for the Jewish Agency for Palestine hung on the agency's office door in the Zeilsheim, Germany, displaced-persons camp. The Jewish Agency had been promoting the emigration of Jews to Palestine, both legally and illegally, since the 1930s. The British estimated that approximately 58,000 European Jews arrived in Palestine between 1940 and 1945, a significant number of them unlawfully.
Photo: Alice Lev/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Some Jewish immigrants arrived in Palestine legally. Among them was this man, a passenger on the ship Transylvania. He's being interviewed by journalists upon his arrival in Haifa on October 26, 1945. It was estimated that from January 1, 1946, to May 15, 1948, 48,451 Jews immigrated to Palestine--30,000 illegally.
Photo: Zionist Archives/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
1945: Liberation and Rebuilding
 pg. 631 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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