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1945: Liberation and Rebuilding
 pg. 632 
A significant portion of SS camp personnel did not elude the Allies, and guards at the Dachau, Germany, concentration camp were no exception. Dachau had been liberated by American forces in April 1945, and in mid-November a month-long trial of 40 former camp staff members began. Thirty-six defendants were sentenced to death. Seen here is the main entrance to the court, which was established on the camp's grounds.
Photo: Drew University Center for Holocaust Study
Because of the Holocaust, many Jews, especially children, had lost contact with their cultural heritage. Hence, it was important to Jews to educate young survivors about Judaism. This photograph shows a Hebrew lesson in the Zeilsheim, Germany, displaced-persons camp. The board gives a hopeful---and determined---message: "The Jews will immigrate to the land of Israel."
Photo: Alice Lev/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Dr. Hans Marx, Dr. Otto Stahmer, and Dr. Fritz Sauter (pictured; specific identifications not possible) were among the defense counsels at the Nuremberg Trials. Depending on whom they were defending, they argued that either their clients were "only following orders" or did not know about the crimes the Nazi regime had committed. Some defense lawyers even argued that the tribunal had no jurisdiction over their clients. The clients of these attorneys--Julius Streicher, Hermann Göring, and Rudolf Hess--were all convicted.
Photo: Imperial War Museum
 September 17-November 17, 1945: Forty-eight former members of the administration of the concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen, Germany, are tried at Lüneberg, Germany. Eleven are sentenced to death and executed and 23 are imprisoned.
 September 20, 1945: The Jewish Agency for Palestine makes its first claim for restitution from Germany for crimes Nazis committed against Jews.
 Late September 1945: Of 100,000 captured Nazi documents, the Allies select about 4000 as having evidentiary value to the War Crimes Tribunal.
1945: Liberation and Rebuilding
 pg. 632 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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