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1935: Steps Toward Destruction
 pg. 92 
Among the most infamous cases prosecuted under the Nuremberg Laws was that against Albert Hirschland, a Jewish school principal in Magdebur, Germany, accused of having illicit sex with Àhundreds of non-Jewish students.À Among the German newspapers to cover Hirschland's trial was Julius Streicher's notorious antisemitic rag Der Stürmer. The headline reads: ÀAlbert Hirschland: The Race Defiler from Magdeburg.À The accused was convicted on the trumped-up charges and sentenced to life in prison.
Photo: Stadtarchiv, Nuremberg/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Wilhelm Stuckart (pictured) helped Wilhelm Frick draft the infamous Nuremberg Laws of 1935. A Nazi Party member since 1922, Stuckart became a Party judge in 1930. He rose through the ranks quickly, holding a variety of law-oriented bureaucratic Party posts throughout the 1930s and early À40s. Stuckart joined the SS in 1936; six years later he was a participant at the Wannsee Conference, at which the ÀFinal SolutionÀ was planned. Lack of evidence caused him to be sentenced to only four years' imprisonment following his arrest by the Allies in 1945. Stuckart was killed in an auto accident in 1953.
Photo: Ullstein Bilderdienst/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Opposition to the Nazi regime was vigorously attacked. In the city of Stuttgart, Germany, the Sturmabteilung (SA) launched a move against Jews and Catholics who had dared to challenge the government. Members of the SA paraded through the streets on a truck bedecked with a picture of Nazi enemies. The inscription reads: ÀWe don't tolerate any sabotage to the Führer's constructive work.À
Photo: AP/Wide World Photos
 July 1, 1935: The antisemitic Ahnenerbe Forschungs- und Lehrgemeinschaft (Society for Research into the Teaching of Ancestral Heritage) is founded to study the racial history of the German people.
 August 25, 1935: Pastor Martin Niemöller, the leading Protestant anti-Nazi, sermonizes that Jewish history is "dark and sinister" and that the Jewish people are forever "under a curse" because they not only "brought the Christ of God to the cross" but they also bear the responsibility for the "blood of all the righteous men who were ever murdered."
1935: Steps Toward Destruction
 pg. 92 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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