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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 249 
Three Jewish men are hanged in Ternopol, Ukraine, in 1941. They were killed either for having disobeyed German orders or in retribution for any offense someone in the Ternopol Jewish community committed. Placards were often hung around the necks of the executed, to intimidate the living and provide a neat rationale for the executions. Bodies of the murdered might be left hanging for days, until the Nazis felt that the local citizenry had had time to absorb the "example."
Photo: Yad Vashem
Many Ukrainians welcomed the Germans when they took Ternopol in July 1941. What followed was a massacre of 5000 Jews, many of them burnt to death in their synagogues by Germans and Ukrainian nationalists. A few months later the Germans created the Ternopol Ghetto, consisting of more than 12,000 Jews. Only a few hundred Jews survived to liberation by the Soviet Army in 1944.
Photo: Yad Vashem
Dozens of German soldiers observe Jews murdered as a result of the Ternopol, Ukraine, massacres in July 1941. Several of the German soldiers cover their noses with handkerchiefs because of the odor of the decaying corpses. German military commanders exploited local antisemitism wherever their troops went, egging on hateful locals and encouraging German soldiers to participate in the violence. The Ternopol pogrom began on July 4, just two days after German troops took the city.
Photo: Dokumentationsarchiv Des Osterreichischen Wiederstand / Yad Vashem
1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 249 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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