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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 265 
Distraught and terrified, these Jewish women struggle to recover from a severe beating at the hands of Romanians and/or Germans. This violence was the first in a wave of persecution unleashed against the Jews of Bessarabia, Romania. It was followed by deportation and death marches to camps in Transnistria, Romania. Many did not survive the cruel journey, falling victim to shootings, hunger, and thirst. Thousands perished by drowning in the Dniester River.
Photo: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive

More than 270,000 Romanian Jews were murdered during the Holocaust. Most were massacred in 1941 by Nazi Einsatzgruppen and the equally bloodthirsty Romanian troops. Most were shot; others died through drownings, beatings, or other forms of torture. One June 25, 1941, about 15,000 Jews were murdered in Iasi.
September signaled a wave of persecution against Jews in Bessarabia. For two months beginning in September, Romanians and Germans deported some 120,000 Bessarabian Jews from their homes to camps in Transnistria, Romania. Any who fell behind were shot. Those who survived the march told of mothers who could barely stand, carrying their children's corpses until they could receive a proper burial.
Photo: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 265 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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