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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 340 
Among the guests at a 1942 Jewish marriage ceremony at Bochnia, Poland--located about 20 miles southeast of Kraków--were Jewish police officers and members of the Judenrat. Relations between the rank-and-file residents of any Jewish ghetto and fellow Jews who enjoyed privileged status and a modicum of power were typically strained. If the groom was not a policeman or Judenrat representative, this moment of solidarity was rare indeed.
Photo: Yad Vashem Archives
Composed of Jewish patients, mostly women, Block 10 at Auschwitz was the site of Nazi medical research. The barrack was known as "Clauberg's Block" after the physician, Carl Clauberg (left), who conducted much of the experimentation there. Clauberg was especially interested in infertility and sterilization research, areas that won him the personal backing of Heinrich Himmler, who wondered "how long it would take to sterilize a thousand Jewesses." Clauberg used injections, probably of the substance formalin, to cause obstructions in the fallopian tubes and prevent pregnancy.
Photo: Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Joseph Goebbels began publication of Der Angriff (The Attack) on July 4, 1927, as a propaganda sheet for the Nazi Party in Berlin. Goebbels relinquished editing duties after 1933 but remained publisher, and the newspaper became the official organ of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (Labor Front). The paper continued to be an important propaganda tool in the hands of its new editors. The headline for July 4, 1942, reads, in part, "'Angriff' Interview with Dr. Goebbels."
Photo: Ullstein Bilderdienst 6 48019 - x1
 July 24, 1942: Martin Luther, undersecretary of state at the German Foreign Ministry, alerts Nazi Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop that Italian authorities are resistant to the German plan to deport Jews from Italian-held regions of Croatia.
 July 27, 1942: The German government in the Occupied Eastern Territories warns that any Pole or Ukrainian who attempts to hide or assist a Jew will be "shot dead."
 July 28, 1942: SS chief Heinrich Himmler writes to a senior SS official that the Occupied Eastern Territories "are to become free of Jews."
 July 28, 1942: Jewish parents in Tarnów, Poland, are forced to watch as their children are shot by Gestapo agents. The parents and other adults are subsequently deported to the camp at Belzec for extermination.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 340 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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